What is Serial Fiction?
Here are some sneak peeks at the first 6 episodes... the first three are completely free to read on Kindle Vella. And if you're new to the platform you'll earn free tokens to keep reading at zero cost to you!
Learn how Finn & his Siren met, and the tragedy that brought them together.
A Siren's most distinctive quality is her song. In this episode we learn what makes Neri sing and why.
Finn's been Tethered to Neri for over a decade, & as bad as it's been—things are about to get even worse.
As a Siren, Neri can lure and entice like no other…but tonight she’s taking things a bit too far. Even for her.
As a landlocked Siren, Neri has the freedom to hunt whoever she chooses. Abusive men are her favorite snack.
Neri’s always been quick to release Finn when she’s done hunting—and no longer in need of a lookout. But not tonight.